
  1. Averse
  2. AverseAlt (Who could this mysterious player be?!)
  3. ReapWhatUSow
  4. Hansalel
  5. Ninjas

2 vs 2

  1. Asia No.1 (yknip & kangjunpyo)
  2. We r1 now (C0rrupteD & eoekas)
  3. Bruce Lee (Condemned & KlernY)
  4.  MyCon H3llo (Godof & K3b4b1)
  5. Cold Lemons (Hotbiscuit & bLankkz)

3 vs 3

  1. My.con Prepare to DIE (Godof, LittleMaster & K3b4b1)
  2. broken comp fanboiz (randler, 213213 & Xaynox)
  3. TelRoskMi (Teldo, Verosk & Mini)
  4. The Vigilantes (Jeppan, Scumbag & halvbanan)
  5. Forsaken Pariah (Kazzon, Unhallowed & Bioplazm)

Congratulations to you, Grand Champions among Grand Champions! Enjoy your titles!

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