Archives des mots-clé: V Rising
Gameplay Reveal: An Action-Packed New Trailer!
It’s here!
We’ve released our new gameplay trailer for V Rising! What are you waiting for? Check it out! Read more »
V Rising Dev Update #5: Fall of the Dark Empire

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Greetings Vampires!
In this dev blog, we take a closer look at the narrative behind V Rising and shed a bit more light on the story we told in the reveal trailer.
V Rising Dev Update #2: Interview with the Vampire

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Interview with the Vampire Marketing Director
Hello everyone!
Ruth here, reporting from Stunlock Studios HQ. In this Dev Blog, I collected more questions from the community and talked to Stunlock Studios’ Marketing Director, Johan Ilves. You will find some of your questions answered, so read ahead! If we didn’t answer your particular question, worry not! We might reveal the information you were looking for in future dev updates. Please keep in mind that the game is still in development, and everything is subject to change.