Last week we announced our partnership with Twitch and Nexon and the creation of the Battlerite Pro League and Rising Stars, the professional and preliminary Battlerite leagues. There’s a lot to look forward to in esports for Battlerite, and given that the Battlerite Pro League Open Qualifiers are going on, we thought it was a good idea to give an in-depth breakdown of the structure of both of these leagues. Read more »

Artists of the Arena, sharpen your pencils!

Battlerite is excited to hold another Battlerite Art Contest – this time with no restrictions on theme, characters, or medium.

Artists, you have until 11:59 PM CEST on April 29th, 2018 to submit your original Battlerite artwork to along with your Battlerite username for the chance to win prices inside and outside of the game. Read more »

Atualização rápida corrige alguns bugs que vieram junto com a grande atualização Patch. Todas correções já entram em vigor hoje, dia 8 de março. Por favor verifique a integridade dos arquivos na Steam para ter certeza que os arquivos cheguem até você sem nenhum dado corrompido.

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