Hello all!

I’m afraid I have the not-so-exciting news of letting you know that we do not have a prepared dev blog today. Last week, everyone in the team was hands on deck bug fixing and testing that we never got chance to prepare a proper dev blog as usual. You have our sincerest apologies!

As regards to when the patch will go live, our goal right now is to get this to you tomorrow (Tuesday 24th October). The only reason this would change is if unexpected bugs were to occur from us fixing other bugs (such is the way of game development /sweatdrop). In that case we may have to delay another day or two, but we will keep in touch with how things are going.

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It’s been a busy year of Early Access, and as we’re approaching Free to Play, we’re looking for ways to thank you, our Battlerite community, for all of your input, your passion, and your dedication to this game. And what better way than to let you show us what you want?

Create a brand new outfit for Jade and if it’s our favorite, we’ll craft it – and make it free for everyone. Besides having their design placed in the game, the winner will receive a Legendary Loot Pack, five Creepy Chests, and the title of Art Warrior. Three runners-up will receive three Creepy Chests each and the title of Art Warrior.

Make sure to share your concepts with us on TwitterSteam, and reddit – we want to know what everyone thinks of your idea!

You have until 23:59 CEST on October 27th to send your work to contest@battlerite.com – include your in-game name and make sure to name your outfit! Winners will be announced the following week. Read more »









Hello, Battlerite – it’s Liz again for my second full Dev Blog on the job!

Cutting straight to the chase: we have heard your frustrations and concerns about the Halloween Event and have been looking into making changes to this event and structure of future events. We will announce more changes and specifics very soon, but for right now know that the quest allowing you to earn one Creepy Chest for ten games will repeat weekly for the entirety of the Halloween Event.

I want to make it very clear: This is not the only change that will be occurring.

There’s not anything more we are free to say at this moment, but thank you again for your feedback and your passion.

Moving on, we’ve received requests to explain the latest matchmaking changes more in detail. Shelt has compiled the most common questions we’ve received and answered them. Read more »

Hey everyone, Liz here! I’ve finally settled into the office so I’ll be taking over the Dev Blogs from here on out. Chris may return as a guest, but from now on, I’m running the show! And I’ll begin the show with a blog written by Kohake on the backstab mechanic originally included in Patch – the thought process behind it, the differences from Bloodline Champions, it’s strengths and weaknesses.

On a side note, remember today is the start of our Free Week, and that our Halloween Event is coming up soon as well!

Without further ado – Kohake on backstab: Read more »

新的版本修复 上线。


  • 修复了玩家团队定位赛结束后直接到达过高的联赛等级的问题。受影响的队伍将会重新进行定位赛,对此带来的不便之处我们表示十分地抱歉。
  • 修复了一些技能会导致不一致攻击速度的问题。
  • 修复了重连后突然出现的问题。
  • 更正部分翻译问题。

[UPDATED 09/20]

版本 将会在9月20日晚周三9点(9:00 AM EDT / 6:00 AM PDT)登陆。届时服务器将由于更换赛季暂时进行大约4小时的维护。

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