Before we get started with today’s dev blog, we regret to inform you that there will not be a champion released in the late September patch due to a change in strategic and planning circumstances. This change aims to improve the impact of the F2P release. However, we have a big announcement on the 20th September which we are very excited to share with you.

Now, let’s take a look at what Shelt has to say about the changes coming for Season 5. Read more »

Maybe you thought it would be someone else greeting you this time, but it was still me, Christian! Good to have you guys here. This week I will share with you some tidbits about the patch last week, talk some about what was happening last week besides patching, and let you know a little more about what I will be doing as I transform into a gameplay person once again. Let’s get started. Read more »

Champions of the Arena!

Do you have a way with words? Can you boil down an idea into a short, catchy phrase? And (most importantly) do you love Battlerite? Then you’re in luck! We’re looking for a new tagline to tell the world what Battlerite is all about – and we want your help to do it! Read more »

Vamos a sacar un Hotfix hoy a las 17:00 CEST (11:AM EDT / 8:00 AM PDT), el cual requerirá que los servidores pasen por mantenimiento. Estarán caídos hasta 2 horas.

El hotfix contiene los siguientes arreglos:

  • Varesh
    • “Kinetic Energy” (R) vuelve a poder atravesar paredes
    • Arreglado un error con el arma legendaria de Varesh la cual hacía que algunos efectos se vieran extranos.
  • El battlerite “Howling Axes” (Bakko) es ahora compatible con el de “Rampage”
  • Ya no se debería poder entrar a una partida normal de arena como “campeón aleatorio”
  • Duelo de campeón aleatorio
    • Las repeticiones del odeum deberían funcionar correctamente para las camorras a partir de ahora
    • Arreglado un error con la desconexión de jugadores
  • Las opciones de espectador deberían funcionar correctamente de nuevo

Hello everyone! It’s been a while but welcome once again to another Dev Blog headed up by Christian. As we’ve began to rev up for the Free-To-Play release during the second half of 2017, today we are going to talk a bit in general about what Stunlock Studios will be focusing on in the coming months and some of the updates coming to Battlerite. Read more »