Battlerite Pre-Season Coming Soon!

The Free to Play launch is right around the corner and with it begins a new season for Battlerite. We’ve decided to call this the “Pre-Season,” as we expect many new players to enter the Arena and it will take time for them to learn the game and for the matchmaking system to properly detect their correct skill rating.
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El parche saldrá hoy más tarde (Jueves, 26 de Octubre). El tiempo aproximado en el que el juego estará de baja es de 1 hora, síguenos en nuestras redes sociales para enterarte de actualizaciones.

Nuevos cambios

Hemos escuchado sus opiniones sobre el parche 0.14.0. Sabíamos que éste iba a ser un parche riesgoso con muchas actualizaciones y novedades a la vez, mientras que al mismo tiempo, lo vimos como una última oportunidad para probar algunos grandes cambios en Early Access.

Como habíamos dicho en una entrada de blog anterior acerca de colas de espera y modos de juego, le estuvimos echando un ojo a la reacción de parte de los jugadores en cuanto a la desaparición del modo casual se refiere, y actuamos rápido. Hemos decidido regresar el modo de arena casual inmediatamente. Read more »

The following hotfixes have been rolled out for Patch

  • Fixed an issue causing players to disconnect from games. We will be monitoring this and rolling out additional fixes as needed.
  • Fixed an issue where victories in Battlegrounds counted as a loss.
  • Fixed an issue where chests did not properly display received items.

After listening to feedback and discussing internally, we’re announcing changes to the Halloween Event that will be going live shortly.

In addition to including a weekly quest to earn Creepy Chests, Halloween items will now be directly purchasable with tokens, and can be bought in the customization section like any other cosmetic for as long as the event is running. However, they will be priced at double the cost of regular items.

Players who spent gems on Creepy Chests since the beginning of the event will also receive a 50% gem refund to compensate for Halloween items now being purchasable with tokens. You will retain all items that you have already opened from the chests.

Besides to these changes we are looking at the way we organize and run events, including (but not limited to) additional ways of using in-game currency to obtain cosmetics in future events.

The quest to obtain Creepy Chests will refresh every Friday at 5:00 AM UTC.

Servers will be going down at 14:45 CEST as we implement these changes, and should be down for only a short time. If we hit any sort of snag, we’ll let you know on social media.

Thank you again for your feedback, and we hope this update will allow you to better enjoy events now and in the future.


Hemos puesto unos arreglillos en el Parche

Los arreglos son los siguientes:

  • Arreglado un error el cual causaba que algunos equipos fueran posicionados demasiado arriba después de sus partidas de posicionamiento. Los equipos afectados tendrán que jugar sus partidas de posicionamiento de nuevo, nos disculpamos por las inconveniencias que esto pueda ocasionar.
  • Arreglado un error el cual causaba que algunas habilidades tuvieran distinta velocidad de ataque.
  • Arreglado un exploit relacionado con volver a conectar
  • Arreglos con las traducciones

[UPDATED  09/20] 

After additional testing and hearing responses to the Backstab mechanic, we have decided not to include it in this patch. It was initially intended as an experiment to gather data and feedback from the community. Backstab may return in some form in the future.

Patch will arrive on Wednesday, September 20th. The servers will be brought down for patching at 15:00 CEST (9:00 AM EDT / 6:00 AM PDT). The servers can be unavailable for up to 4 hours due to the season change. Read more »