Welcome, Vampires.

We’ve been busy, as you may have noticed.

With the launch of V Rising now out in 1.0 on Steam and the PlayStation®5, we here at Stunlock Studios are standing on the precipice of our most major achievements to date. Sharing these moments with you, our community, has been an incredible experience and a highlight for us as a studio worthy of the effort we’ve put in to get here.

Today, we’re taking some time to reflect on V Rising as it currently stands in the eyes of the studio. This will give you all a better idea of how we’re thinking about the game in light of our successful launches and, in a broader sense, what this means for the game’s future.


V Rising 1.0

On May 8th, we launched V Rising 1.0 on PC, marking the completion of our most ambitious project to date. In a way, we finished what we set out to do, and that’s a big milestone for us. While there is always room for improvement, we took a moment on launch day to celebrate both in-game and out, appreciating the journey and the efforts that brought us here.

All fangs meeting

Survival of the fittest

The entire Studio vs. Dracula



For many of us, the celebrations turned pretty quickly to make sure the game was working as well as it possibly could, and you all had the best launch experience possible (Hotfix time!). Like any major release, there were speed bumps, but thanks to our time in Early Access and all of your help, extra special shout-out to the beta testers, things were about as smooth as we could have hoped.

Dracula has proven to be a fearsome capstone to the journey, and it’s clear that all you Vampires have fully embraced the challenge! We’ve had an amazing time watching the streams, seeing players enjoy the incredible highs of tackling Brutal Mode and suffer in all the best ways. Observing you endure and overcome these trials has been an absolute thrill for us.


CohhCarnage rediscovers Beatrice the Tailor in brutal mode.

Steelmage downs Dracula.


V Rising on the PlayStation 5

Let’s not forget our first foray into the world of consoles! This has been another huge step for us as a studio, and we’re incredibly proud to have breached the land of the gamepad and opened up a whole new world for Vampires everywhere. Seeing a steady flow of players on this new platform has been awesome, and we want to extend our heartfelt thanks to SONY for supporting us on our first console adventure. We’re carefully reviewing all feedback and will use any lessons learned to update the PS5 version further in the future.

What’s next for V Rising?

The influx of Vampires returning to see the full incarnation of V Rising was a massive delight, and the amount of love we’ve gotten has made our dark, undead hearts swell with appreciation. Here in our dusty crypts at Stunlock Studios, we’re always thinking about our next move in relation to what our players respond to, what you like, and what you want. Your response has made it pretty clear to us that you want more V Rising.

V Rising has a lot of room to grow but also many possible directions in which to do so. Vardoran is also a world brimming with potential, offering great opportunities for expansion or, perhaps, even a totally fresh take in a future new game. Now that we’re on the other side of the full release of V Rising on both PC and PS5, we have some time to finally take a breath, assess, and then let our dark machinations roll once more.

Firstly, we must ensure we collect enough data and feedback (there’s a lot, and we appreciate your passion for potential changes!) to make the right decisions. We will move forward at a healthy pace, making sure we’re not rushing our ideas, allowing us to do our best as developers. After a brief respite, we will emerge once more with fresh minds, prepared to spread our wings once again and soar into the future that will be V Rising 1.1.

The size and content of this patch are still to be decided, but we envision it as a side chapter in the vampire journey, offering fresh experiences to explore rather than a major overhaul. We already have some exciting early ideas brewing, and even a couple of concepts of… interesting-looking beings. For now, we’ll retreat to our misty crypt until we have the next episode of the vampire adventure fully figured out and ready to share. It might take some time, but we always strive to ensure it’s worth the wait.

THANK YOU from the depths of our dark hearts and twisted souls for all your support over the years. We couldn’t have done it without you!


Beware The Scorching Sun

Shield yourself from the terrible sunlight, Vampires, Summer is upon us! Be sure to stay indoors where it’s safe, we’ve given you plenty to keep yourself occupied, and make sure you keep up with everything V Rising on our socials.

V Rising is available now on Steam!
V Rising is also available on the PlayStation 5! Get it here!

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Lots of love and a pint of blood,


/The Marketing Team




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