V Rising 1.0 Patch Notes
V Rising 1.0 Update Full Reveal

The Night Approaches!
Welcome to your dark future, Vampires!
With the big update right around the corner, now is the time to get caught up on all the details of what you can expect in the update this May 8th! We’ve pooled all our dark knowledge in one convenient place for you to fully inform yourself on what you can look forward to as we celebrate our full release, including many yet-unannounced features we’re unveiling for you today!
Newsblog: V Rising coming May 8th!

V Rising is emerging from the shadows to take its greatest form to date! Join millions of Vampires on the journey to become the supreme predator of Vardoran, carving your name into the history of a world that has forgotten your kind. Journey through the shadows of the lands of man and monster, staking your claim and raising your towering castle. Drink blood, gather knowledge, and prove that you are worthy of the claim of the greatest Vampire to ever live by overcoming one final challenge…
Update #1: Secrets of Gloomrot – Patch Notes
Secrets of Gloomrot – Known Issues
News Blog: The State of Official Servers
Dev Update #16: Experiments, Creations, and Dreams

Welcome, Vampires, to another peek inside the Stunlock Studios crypts!
Today we drag to light a bit of what we’re working on and give you a taste of some of the patchwork creations we’re assembling for our first big content update, a free expansion that will be released in 2023. No date has been set, and we still have many months of work as some of these features require major re-works. We know your hunger for new blood and content is strong, and we want to thank everyone for being patient and believing in us. Your trust in V Rising will be well rewarded! Further down, we get into some game design talk, directly addressing some community suggestions we’ve observed over the Early Access so far.
Halloween Event: Bloodfeast

The Bloodfeast is coming!
The dying seasons are upon us, and with it, we revisit a fond tradition. This time of year, we celebrate the passing of the leaves, the raising of ghouls and spirits, and human desperation to make the most of their last harvests before the winter comes to strangle the life from the land. Now is the time to crash the dwindling hopes of our prey! Bare your fangs, unsheath your blades, and gather every vampire from every corner of the world!
Dev Update #15: Future Visions

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Welcome to another dev update! In this blog, we’ll be sharing some of what we learned from the first months of Early Access and planned improvements to the game as we move forward. We’re taking a peek into the future of Vardoran and what’s required for us to deliver on your darkest wishes. Many of our ideas are currently early in the production or planning phase, so please keep in mind that everything mentioned in our studio reports is subject to change.