Well, hello there, my people of the night. It’s time for yet another update from the crypts at Stunlock Studios, and this night we uncover the toxic sludge-soaked lands of Gloomrot. Having gotten a little taste of what’s to come in our feature-rich website preview, let’s take this time to get to know our new neighbors from the artistic vision of some of the team that was able to bring them to life.

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On May 17th delve into Gloomrot, a land twisted by the tortured ambitions of a scientific genius and his legion of followers. Obsessed with the pursuit of evolution and progress above all other things, these exiles from the holy lands harness the terrible electrical storms of their highlands to produce brilliant machinery, dumping off the byproducts into their winding valleys until they’re warped by pollution.



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Welcome, night kin, to another Dev Update.


Tonight we will discuss some details of the highly anticipated multi-floor castle improvements coming to V Rising in our first major content update, set for May. However, before we get into all of the new stuff, we’d like to ensure we’re all on the same page about the upcoming free expansion of the game and what you should expect.

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A ravishing new year to you all, my Vampires! It is our first check-in for the new spin around our most feared enemy, the Sun, and an ideal time to discuss our plans for the coming year. We at Stunlock Studios have been spending the most enjoyable endless Swedish nights preparing for the coming year, and what a year it will be.


Tonight, on this most thirsty of nights, we will share with you our visions of the future. We will unveil a massive overhaul to spellcasting and magic progression, as well as a few other things we’re experimenting with. Read more »


Welcome, Vampires, to another peek inside the Stunlock Studios crypts!

Today we drag to light a bit of what we’re working on and give you a taste of some of the patchwork creations we’re assembling for our first big content update, a free expansion that will be released in 2023. No date has been set, and we still have many months of work as some of these features require major re-works. We know your hunger for new blood and content is strong, and we want to thank everyone for being patient and believing in us. Your trust in V Rising will be well rewarded! Further down, we get into some game design talk, directly addressing some community suggestions we’ve observed over the Early Access so far.

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Ah, the holidays of horror!

What a delicious time to be un-alive. The streets are filled with decay, death, and hapless humans prancing about, more oblivious than ever. A season of easy feeding and terror is certainly never the better time to be inspired by all those things we Vampires love most. Fear, darkness, death, and a unique flavor of extra sweet blood. Read more »