The servers will be brought down for patching at 15:00 CEST (9:00 AM EDT / 6:00 AM PDT). The patching process is expected to last up to 2 hours.

Features & Content

New Game Mode – Bakko’s Egg Brawl

New temporary game mode added, which will be available until Tuesday April 18th. In it, two teams of three Bakkos face off with their fists, shields and lots and lots of eggs. A variety of eggs and custom Battlerites for the mode are available, but we will let you explore them on your own. Be sure to try out this fun, wacky and chaotic game mode while you can! Read more »

Patch will arrive tomorrow, Thursday, March 23rd, at 15:00 CET (7 AM PDT / 10 AM EDT). During the patching process the servers will be down, and the whole process will take up to 1 hour.

Champion Changes & Fixes

This patch is very all-encompassing. With every champion getting increased movement speed and tweaks to keep up with the new pace, as well as a few champions getting major changes both to their primary attacks and Battlerite trees, the complete effects of this patch are unknown even to us. We hope that you find as much joy as we do in exploring this new patch and figuring out the new meta! Read more »

Vous pouvez voir un teaser et une explication des changements M1 à venir ici.

Le patch est prévu pour le 28 Février et contiendra des corrections de bugs ainsi que des mises à jours de certains champions. Les serveurs fermeront à 15h00 CET et la maintenance durera environ une heure.

Le changement des compétences M1 originellement prévu pour ce patch a été reporté. Il ne sortirat pas avant un minimum de 2 semaines car un de nos collaborateurs a été absent pendant près d’un mois.

Nous souhaitons vous tenir informer de ces changements le plus rapidement possible. De ce fait, nous allons vous proposer un aperçu de ces nouvelles fonctionnalités dans le dev-blog à paraître lundi.

Nous nous excusons auprès de la communauté pour ce retard. Ces changements de gameplay sont notre priorité actuelle et l’équipe de développement travaille dur pour améliorer votre expérience de jeu sur Battlerite sur de prochains patchs.

Contenu et nouveautés du patch

Nouvelles montures – Le scorpion Empereur et le scorpion Deathstalker

Le scorpion Empereur (A gauche) sera valable pour les gagnants de certains tournois. Le scorpion Deathstalker pourra être obtenu via des giveaways.

Changements sur les champion


  • Correction d’un bug où la zone d’impact de Healing potion (Lucie), Healing Wave (Pearl) et de Rejuvenating Sands (Oldur) était incorrecte
  • La valeur du “Air time” a été ajoutée à plusieurs tooltips de compétences
  • Pestilus – Changement du tooltip de « Limite des dommages de Panique » en « Limite des dommages du Brain bug »
  • Utiliser un counter à la fin du buff du Zap d’Iva ne rends plus le champion invisible

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We have decided to postpone Patch 0.11 due to technical issues. It will instead arrive on Wednesday, February 15th. The servers will go down for patching at 15:00 CET (9:00 AM EST / 6:00 AM PST). The patching process will take approximately 2 hours.

Upcoming changes in Patch

As we have the Enter the Arena event coming up we have decided to split the mid February patch in two. This first patch brings the new champion along with the next season and some additional changes and fixes; you can view details below. The second patch, Patch 0.11.1, is planned to arrive February 28th. We are experimenting with some bigger changes for it, with the primary goal to make M1’s more exciting to use while also allowing for M1 exchanges to be more interesting and thrilling. This involves changes to both movement speed, damage, cast times and cooldowns/charges. We have concentrated on looking at the M1s of our ranged Champions first, but are also trying a few things out with our melee Champions. We are still experimenting with this and at the time of writing do not have definite details to share, so you will have to wait for more detailed information in the patch notes for Patch
Patch will also bring other gameplay changes, along with some new mounts and additional changes and fixes.

Features & Content

Raigon, The Exiled Prince – New Melee Champion

Raigon is the former crown prince of Quna. He was a well-respected figure among the kingdom’s warriors, until he was exiled due to the manipulations of Pestilus. For now, the arena serves as a decent place to find work and set the wheels in motion for his retaliation.

Watch Raigon in action Read more »

In the next coming months we will be working on preparing Battlerite for Free-To-Play launch. We need to improve some core areas of the Battlerite experience before it is ready for the influx of new players at launch.

We want to open up about these changes with you so you have the opportunity to provide feedback as we progress.

1. Improve the experience for new players

We want to ensure the first experience of Battlerite is as optimal and fun as possible. Right now our analysis shows players aren’t quite ready for PvP after the tutorial and Vs Ai. Improving this area will help players find their first PvP games more rewarding.

One possibility we’re looking at is introducing 1v1 matches. This would include PvP duels as well as vs AI matches and we’re considering a campaign mode to enhance the new user experience. We are also looking at improving the existing AI and adding lighter tutorial segments where additional information about playing Battlerite can be introduced.

By improving the new player experience we will improve our retention which will encourage more people to play Battlerite, adding to the matchmaking experience as a whole.

2. More ways to play

Our statistics show that players have started to play in shorter sessions. We’re now looking at introducing other ways to play Battlerite which offer more variety and breathing room.  

We are considering to add additional game modes with more fun objectives or rules, where the pace feels significantly different to the main mode. Game modes is something we have heavily experimented with. At the moment we have 2-3 strong game modes that are being tested.

3. New UI Styling & Experience

The current user interface (UI) was designed in early Alpha and has remained more or less unchanged. We want to create a new UI that is reflective of the in-game Battlerite experience and allows more flexibility for new features to be implemented in the future.

To solve this, we’ve started work on a user interface overhaul and an improved look that communicates the fast-paced brawling action of Battlerite. This includes (although not limited to) looking at a new menu navigation, new character selection screen, new art styling, improved friends/social system, improved Odeum/replays integration and improving the pre/post match experience as a whole.

Our plan is to use the current UI as a testing ground for new features and backend improvements until the new UI is ready for implementation.

4. Gameplay and Mechanics

Before the Free-To-Play release we will be looking to push the gameplay of Battlerite a step further. Besides continually looking at the Battlerites of our champions, we are also experimenting with the core mechanics.

We are looking at mechanics that are applicable to all champions as well as mechanics that are specific to a champion. Another area we are looking at is the mechanics associated to the maps, as well as the maps themselves.

We have detailed what we are currently trying out below.

Pushing the overall quality and depth of Battlerite is our priority in preparing for the Free-To-Play release. You can expect new champions and content at a slightly slower pace as we use our time in Early Access to experiment with the core mechanics of the game.

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