Greetings Vampires!


Today, we plunge into the cold, dark depths of the Ruins of Mortium to explore our Vampire history. With the return of the king of kindred, it is perhaps time to remind ourselves of who we are and explore the new revelations of our people’s legend. We’re cracking open ancient tomes and telling old tales, then getting a taste of what is to come with the coming invasion that threatens the return of Dracula.

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Blessings for the bloodthirsty!

With great enthusiasm, we bring you yet another developer update from the crypts of Stunlock Studios! Today, we’ll be delving into changes with the progression. From how spells are acquired to recipes and the quality of unlife that smooths the whole experience into a delightful, intuitive process, we aim to put a new twist on how you play, delivering much-desired changes in unexpected packages.

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Greetings, creatures of the night!

We hope you’ve survived the winter frost and long nights as well as us. The crypts at Stunlock Studios have been as busy as ever, our plans unfolding within the dusty depths to our sinister excitement. You have been quite patient with us, and perhaps we should reward that patience with a nugget of knowledge to fill the dark months with hope for the coming year.

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Well, if it isn’t the Vampire hordes joining us for yet another Dev Update.

As once more, the infinite darkness of Swedish winter descends on the catacombs of Stunlock Studios, and the skies grow perfectly black, the beat of our bat wings is here to remind you that we are still flying overhead. As we start this dev update and head into the season, let’s enjoy the festive spirit of the night. We’ll reflect on the past year and look forward to the promising one to come.

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Greetings Vampires!

It’s been a little while, and we’ve missed you. 

While sheltering from the sun’s relentless rays, we’ve been immersed in the arcane art of game development. Today, we’re pulling back the curtain to reveal the intricate web we’ve been weaving for V Rising’s nefarious future. As always, it’s time to find your most lavish silken throne, command your minions to uncork that age-old blood wine cask, and dive deep into the mysterious depths of Stunlock Studios crypt.

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Welcome, night kin, to another Dev Update.


Tonight we will discuss some details of the highly anticipated multi-floor castle improvements coming to V Rising in our first major content update, set for May. However, before we get into all of the new stuff, we’d like to ensure we’re all on the same page about the upcoming free expansion of the game and what you should expect.

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