
Christian here, humbly presenting you with this week’s rendition of ‘What Happened Last Week?’. Once again we have a shorter post as we continue to work on things that will get a proper reveal later on. Apologies, but I promise the eventual reveals will be exciting! First, let’s talk about last week’s patch. Read more »

Welcome to another weekly report!

As usual, it is me, Christian, who’s your host on this tour through what happened at Stunlock last week. However, a lot of work consisted of things we can’t really show yet, so this week’s rendition is a bit lighter than usual. Regardless, I’ll go into some more general issues to start with. Read more »

Greetings, Champion!

I’m Viktor, a rather new face here at Stunlock Studios (I started in January 2017). I do concept art and a bit of team management. I will be the one telling you all about our journey to make the new map: Dragon Garden.

Oh, and if you haven’t watched it already, check out this reveal trailer for more Dragon Garden eye candy:

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Welcome to yet another dev blog!

Katey here bringing you the weekly update. Last week we had fun with motion capture, the gameplay designers continued their work on the tutorial and the programmers programmed (heh heh).

It looks like you enjoyed Bakko’s Egg Brawl! It’s been so awesome seeing your reactions. I’m looking forward to watching some awesome Odeum plays and hopefully community made highlight reels. Did you ever get your hands on a pink egg? Did you even notice we hid a pink egg in the last dev blog? Two, in fact!

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Why, hello there!

It’s Christian here again, thanks for stopping by! Like I said last week, the general idea of the dev blog in the future will be to give a brief recap of what happened, as the title put it, last week in development. Apparently this was misunderstood by some to mean it was “the last week of development”, while it was meant to be “this happened this last week, in development”. We’ll look into a clearer name for the future. However, this week we’ll take a closer look at an isolated topic; the upcoming temporary game mode, Bakko’s Egg Brawl. Read more »


My name is Christian and you might have seen me posting on Steam (Stunlock_Christian), Discord (cthriel) or reddit (sls_chris) every now and again. I have worked at Stunlock Studios since June 2013 as a Game Designer, but during most of Battlerite’s Early Access period I’ve filled the role of Community Manager. Enough about me though, let’s get to the Dev Blog!

Future of the Dev Blog

What I’d like to mention to begin with is that we are switching focus a bit regarding our Dev Blogs for the future. The idea is that the standard Dev Blog will be a short update regarding what’s been going on at the Stunlock office the past week. Read more »

Hello Champions of Battlerite!

My name is Daniel “Prog” Fahlström and I am one of the programmers (Editor’s Note: aka “One of the lead devs”) here at Stunlock Studios. I’ve been working here since January 2013. Some of you might know me from the Bloodline Champions days as I was an active community member and moderator back then. During the development of Battlerite, I’ve been working in multiple areas such as the gameplay backend, UI and localization.

In this blog I will briefly explain how the Champion movement works in Battlerite (without being too technical) and what requirements and challenges we’ve had with the solution we use. Read more »

Katey here!

What’s happening in Stunlock town?

Well as you know, there’s been a lot of fiddling and tweaking for Patch, which we’re all pretty excited about (but also, admittedly, a teeny bit anxious for). The game designers and co have been busy on the core gameplay changes, playing it with testers, getting feedback etc. The patch date was already announced last Friday and I can confirm it will go live this Thursday.

I took part in testing the new patch and it’s been quite an experience so far. Initially, the purpose of the patch was to create more interesting and dynamic play via movement speed changes and changes to M1 ranged abilities. The goal was to get more dodging and interesting plays in neutral situations, allowing for more outplays via skill.

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