We are deploying a Hotfix today at 17:00 CEST (11:AM EDT / 8:00 AM PDT), which will require some downtime. The servers can be down for up to two hours. We will also be doing some server maintenance during the downtime.

The hotfix contains the following fixes:

  • Varesh
    • “Kinetic Energy” (R) can now pass through walls again
    • Fixed an issue with Varesh’s legendary weapons which made certain effects look strange (Static)
  • Bakko’s Battlerite “Howling Axes” is now compatible with the Battlerite “Rampage”
  • You should no longer be able to enter a regular arena match as “Random Champion”
  • Random Champion Duel
    • Odeum replays should now work properly for Brawl matches
    • Fixed an issue with how disconnected players were handled
  • Observer settings should now work properly again

The full patch notes for the Summer Mega Patch can be found here: https://blog.battlerite.com/0-13-0-0/

Live Fixes 2017-06-27

We deployed some fixes yesterday, around 3 hours after the patch went live. These fixes took care of:

  • Blossom being able to re-cast Tag endlessly as long as she had the energy
  • Self cast not working properly
  • Being forced to manually leave a Brawl match when someone else had disconnected

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With the new patch coming we want to give some heads up regarding replays. Due to version differences replays made from before the Summer Mega Patch will continue to work but may affect your performance in a negative way while viewing them. In short, old replays won’t be broken, but can result in lower frame rates while being viewed. This will most likely be more noticeable on low-end computers.

We are introducing a lot of new stuff with the Summer Mega Patch on June 27th so some systems will change to accommodate.

First, with the Summer Mega Patch Silver Chests will be purchasable for 400 Battle Coins. Leveling your account will also award Silver Chests. Gold Chests will however no longer be obtainable via Battle Coins. Instead players will get them via Gems, Quests and leveling Champions.

Second there’s also changes coming to how players earn Battle Coins. Players will no longer earn 50 Battle Coins by winning 3 matches. Instead they will earn Battle Coins after every match regardless of if it’s a win or a loss. This income uses a static value where a few factors also grant extra Coins. Despite this the Battle Coin income rate through matches stays about the same. The total Battle Coin income will be higher than before though due to the new Quest system.

If you have extra Battle Coins lying around, make sure to buy Gold Chests with them while you still can!

Patch 0.12 will arrive on Tuesday May 2nd. The servers will be brought down for patching at 15:00 CEST (9:00 AM EDT / 6:00 AM PDT). The patching process can last up to 4 hours due to the change to Season 3.

Features & Content

New Map – Dragon Garden

With Patch 0.12 we bring you our latest arena; Dragon Garden. Located in the kingdom of Quna, the homeland of the exiled prince Raigon, battles fought in the arena are overseen by the Dragon King himself. This map is specifically made to cater to 3v3 matches, being bigger overall and allowing for more space to maneuver around the center of the map. Read more »

We uploaded a small hotfix earlier today to address a few issues:

  • Fixed a bug with inviting a player to the Brawl queue, where it would look to the invited player as if they had been invited to a different game mode
  • [Edit]Fixed a bug where the ready icon would flicker when everyone in a team had readied up
  • Fixed a bug that intensified several bloom effects in the game

We have also added official language support for Japanese